Stowe Electric Department engaged Great Blue Research to conduct a residential customer survey in spring 2023. The survey was designed to gauge customer satisfaction as well as customer sentiment regarding a variety of trending industry topics. The results will be used to identify areas for improvement as well as for strategic planning purposes relating to load growth from electrification and development of our Integrated Resources Plan (IRP).
A brief overview of key results is provided below. A presentation of the results was given at the July 26, 2023, Stowe Electric Commission meeting. A copy of the full presentation slide deck is available on our website at Rates & Filings | Stowe Electric under “Customer Survey.”
The residential customer survey was conducted online from April 24 to June 2, 2023. We received a total of 373 completed surveys, a response rate of approximately 8%. The margin of error for the study is +/- 4.8% and the confidence level is 95%. A commercial customer survey will likely be conducted in the coming months.