About Stowe Electric
Your Public Power Provider Since 1911
Since 1911, Stowe Electric Department has provided reliable electricity and superior service to the community of Stowe. Initially partnered with the Village of Stowe Water and Light Department, the two utilities were split during the merger of the Town and Village in 1996. At that time Stowe Electric became an enterprise division of the Town of Stowe. Even though the utilities were separated, Stowe Electric Department continues to handle the billing services of the Water and Sewer Department.
As of May 31, 2022, Stowe Electric Department serves 4,448 Residential and Commercial customers. Along with a commitment to supplying its ratepayers with clean, reliable energy at an affordable price, Stowe Electric Department pledges to build upon its history of outstanding customer service and support.
In 2012 Stowe Electric Department implemented Smart Grid technology throughout its service territory. The installation of smart meters, a foundational part to any Smart Grid program, allows customers to access their electric consumption via the Stowe Electric website. Data provided by smart meters will help customers make more informed energy related decisions. Keeping current with other advancements in consumer energy technology, Stowe Electric Department installed electric vehicle charging stations. These stations help residents and visitors to our community minimize their carbon footprint.

Our Team
Jackie Pratt, General Manager
Brent Lilley, Director of Operations
Sarah Juzek, Director of Finance
Michael Lazorchak, Regulatory Compliance Manager
Lily King, Customer Care Manager
Caroline Klosowski, Business & Communications Manager
Kevin Stevens, IT Manager
Erika Mayo, Accountant & Benefits Administrator
Michael Gauthier, Accountant
Amber Ives, Administrative Assistant
Tammy Hammond, Billing Clerk
Bethany Hackwell, Customer Service Representative
Adrian Schmidt, Utility Inventory & Ops Technician
Silas Power, Working Foreperson - Lineworkers
Lineworkers: Tim Percy, Willie McAllister, Patrick Sikora, Jr., Chad Dupuis, Elijah Laplume
Eddie Wallace, Working Foreperson - Tree Crew
Tree Crew: Eric Franks, Todd Fletcher