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Modernizing or updating the weatherization of your home or office is an important step to maximize the benefits of electrification projects or solar generation and reduce fossil fuel consumption. Weatherization can reduce heating, cooling, and electricity costs, improve the comfortability and indoor air quality of your rooms, and can add value to your property.


Stowe Electric Storm Window Rebate

SED customers are eligible for a $100 rebate for qualifying weatherization rebates.

Efficiency Vermont offers incentives for weatherization projects, here: 

Financing options are available here:

Income-eligible customers can receive more information and assistance here:

Federal assistance:

State: Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity assistance and information, 802-241-2453 or

County: Lamoille County Capstone Community Action assistance, 1-800-639-1053 or

The Town of Stowe Energy Committee offers education and information:

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